Volunteering your time
We as a Charity depend on the time given by our team of volunteers, currently we have around 150 volunteers each giving their time to support the work of the Charity. These range from volunteering over the winter for the night shelter or supporting in our shop ever week.

Volunteering - Supporting our Food Activities
​We are proud to be able to support the people of Horsham who are in need of food supplies. For many of these families it is the difference between having nothing to eat and being able to provide a meal for their family.
There are a number of ways in which we help residents with food and warmth, at our:
Foodbank venues
Foodbank warehouse
Connnecting Cafe
Warm Spaces
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact info@horsham-matters.org.uk for further information form or complete the application form below and send to the same address.